by janel | Jun 16, 2023 | News
74 Community Middle Schoolers travel to Washington D.C. for the 8th Grade Trip Washington D.C. is the political epicenter of the United States, overflowing with history and landmarks, making it the perfect destination for an end-of-the-school-year trip for the eighth...
by biancamartinez | Feb 20, 2023 | Community Middle School, News
Community Middle School students dove into the world of artificial intelligence through “Hour of AI” – an interactive lesson developed by Amazon Future Engineer that allows students to explore their potential in computer science and STEM education. The lesson...
by janel | Dec 21, 2022 | District, News
Congratulations to the Bound Brook School District’s Teachers and Specialists of the Year! Lee Casperson Bound Brook High School - Teacher of the Year Andrew Heiser Community Middle School - Teacher of the Year Diane Mallon Smalley School - Teacher of the Year...
by biancamartinez | Nov 8, 2022 | News
Community Middle School is excited to welcome two new classes into the curriculum this year – Civics and Film. Teachers Mr. Andrew Heiser and Mr. Jacob Binder will lead the Civics course, where the main components will focus on values and principles underlying the...